понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

Umbilical cord blood - a reserve of health

Have you ever wondered what kind of role in your baby's umbilical cord is? Absolutely, you are well aware of the school biology course, this "rope" connects the body of the unborn child as yours, that is, with life, providing all the necessary baby - with oxygen and nutrients. And after the birth of his baby umbilical cord and umbilical cord as thousands of other babies, and will cut emissions. After the child umbilical cord is no longer needed. A newborn can already breathe independently, to eat, to grow healthy and beautiful for the joy to his parents. Physicians wholeheartedly wish to have in your life, everything happened that way, and once in biology class your child also happen to know what kind of role in the early stages of his life playing this magic "rope."

But, unfortunately, there are times in life when people are seriously ill, and the most expensive drugs are ineffective. This primarily concerns the systems of blood malignancies (leukemia, lymphoma), when the patient can only save transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, or so-called operation, a bone marrow transplant. But you seem to have heard how hard to find an immunologically compatible bone marrow donor, as a donor of any other body. After all organs for transplantation are selected according to the so-called immune passport or main histocompatibility system, which is a very individual type of antigens on the surface of all nucleated cells in the body. When transplanted organ from immunologically incompatible donor develops life-threatening reaction to rejection.

According to the developed countries of the bone marrow donor search takes an average of 4 months and requires significant financial costs. One-fifth of patients die, and not waiting for a compatible donor. And people who are rare ethnic groups, have no chance of finding a compatible transplant. Our situation is even more complicated due to lack of donor registries, imperfect technological base. Therefore, the need for transplantation for compatriots met only by 1%.

Here it is worth remembering that magic "string" - the umbilical cord that once each of us is connected with life. After all, its purpose - not only to the unborn baby food and oxygen, but also to give him for many years a reliable and powerful protection from trouble - supply their own, young, 100% compatible stem cells.

Scientifically proven that cord blood - is not only an alternative to bone marrow, but it has a number of advantages over the latter. In cord blood, except for hematopoietic stem cells, which many in the bone marrow, found in another special population of pluripotent stem cells, which are not in any other tissues of the body, and which is formed of fabric heart and nervous system.

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